Chiral Selectors
Zwitterionic, crown ether, anion exchange, and other chiral selectors
As a leader in enantiomeric separation technology, Daicel Chiral Technologies offers solutions to address a range of specialized applications.
Zwitterionic Selectors
Daicel CHIRALPAK® ZWIX(+) and ZWIX(-) columns are packed with zwitterionic chiral stationary phases. These novel selectors incorporate both anion- and cation-exchange functional groups. They are designed for separation of zwitterionic molecules, such as underivatized amino acids and small peptides, although numerous other separations of challenging molecules have been reported.
Anion Exchange Selectors
Daicel CHIRALPAK® QN-AX and QD-AX columns are packed with weak anion-exchange chiral stationary phases based on complementary quinine (QN) and quinidine (QD) derivatives. They are designed for separation of chiral acids, such as N-derivitized amino acids and phenols.
Crown Ether Selectors
Daicel CROWNPAK® CR(+) and CR(-) columns are packed with crown ether chiral stationary phases. They are designed for separation of chiral amino acids and other small molecules containing a primary amine group on the chiral center. CROWNPAK® CR-I(+) and CR-I(-) feature immobilized selectors to extend the range of solvents used for mobile phases, enhancing enantioselective resolution of chiral compounds.
Ligand Exchange Columns
Daicel CHIRALPAK® WH and CHIRALPAK® MA(+) contain proline and N,N-dioctyl-L-alanine as their chiral selectors. They are ligand exchange type columns that can be used with aqueous solutions of copper sulfate. These columns were designed for alpha amino acids and other acidic chiral molecules.
Amino Acid Database
View our database of enantioseparations of α-proteinogenic, unusual α-, β-, and γ-amino acids, and their derivatives on CHIRALPAK® ZWIX, CHIRALPAK® QN/QD-AX, CROWNPAK® CR (+)/(-), and macrocyclic glycopeptide chiral stationary phases. We thank Prof. Antal Péter, University of Szeged, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, for assembling this data.