10. What solvents can I use with my Daicel columns?
Always consult the Instruction Manual shipped with your column, before exposing your column to any mobile phase. The immobilised chiral columns, CHIRALPAK IA, IB, IC, IE, IF and IG may be used with any solvent. This is not true for traditional Daicel coated columns, but by taking a few simple precautions, you can greatly enhance their lifetimes. The Instruction Manuals refers to solvents that can be used with that specific column. You should carefully heed the caution statements found at the top of each Instruction Manuals for solvents to avoid. Some solvents listed may be acceptable as mixtures. Mixtures of three solvents should be avoided on the coated columns as the solubility of the polysaccharide polymer is unknown and may be increased. This should not be a problem on the immobilised columns, although for a good chromatographic performance the miscibility of the solvents involved in the mobile phase should be always guaranteed.
In contrast to immobilised columns, traditional Daicel coated columns should never be used with solvents such as methylene chloride, chloroform, THF and DMSO. Such solvents solubilize the polysaccharide polymer at the head of the column which then reprecipitates as the solvent is diluted, resulting in a plugged column. Please be aware that even small quantities of incompatible solvents introduced in sample dilutions, or left in transfer lines (including autosampler lines) can rapidly degrade or destroy a column. Even residual amounts of forbidden solvents in samples may shorten the life of the column. For these reasons, we recommend using the immobilised columns.
If you are unsure whether or not a particular solvent can be used with your column, assume that it is incompatible and avoid using it until you have contacted us. Depending on your region, please contact us: Chiral Technologies Europe (CTE), support@cte.daicel.com, Chiral Technologies, Inc. (CTI), questions@cti.daicel.com, or Daicel Chiral Technologies India (DCTI),chiral@chiral.daicel.com
Replacement Instruction Manuals can be found under Quick Links on any page of the website. Or they can be sent to you by FAX or e-mail; contact us as suggested above if you need a replacement.